Thursday, August 25, 2011


You could stay home here in the Philippines and just have things delivered to your house.  In the US it's just pizza mainly but not here.

You can have McDonalds (Greg says we are going to have to do this sometime just so we can say that we did), Chow King, Tony Roma's and numerous other restaurants deliver food here-Pizza Hut here delivers as well.  The deliveries usually are done on bicycles that have little metal boxes on the back that your food rides in.  You can have a certain company deliver milk to your house.  We have 5 gallon water jugs (they come in a truck) for our water cooler delivered to our house.  I even saw an ad in a magazine for beer delivery to your house. 

You can also have massage services done in home and manicures and pedicures too.

Now the downside is that not many people schedule things here at least not to the level of precision we are used to in America.  I have called the water delivery people now 3 days in a row and they finally came today-don't know if they had been by before and I just happened not to be home or if they just didn't come until today but now we have water so that's good-we didn't run out.

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