Saturday, August 27, 2011

Another weird shopping experience

I realized with the rain and the tile outside our front door (yes it's the wet tile again) that I needed to get a mat for outside the front door.  There is a covered area but it still gets wet.  I had bought one at a hardware store for in our bedroom by the door we use to come and go from the pool already so I didn't think this would be a big deal.

So the kids and I went (you guessed it) to the mall this morning.  As we came in we passed a nice carpet and rug store and there was a stack of doormats outside.  I asked how much they were and the man told me 100 pesos.  That's about $2.  I was looking for something larger but thought I might come back.  Then I went to a different hardware store than the one where I had bought the pool door rug and was looking around.  I found a much larger rug that was what I was looking for, probably triple the size of the first one.  Guess how much it was?  2060 pesos-that's nearly $50.  I decided that I could live with the $2 rug for now.  I was hoping for something in between-maybe I'll find one later.

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