Sunday, November 10, 2013

5th Grade Market Day

 So in 5th Grade after studying about economics they have a Market Day where each student has to come up with a product to sell.  Over the break, Scott made a trial batch of "Munchable Moon Rocks".  He found the recipe in a library book and decided that was what he wanted to make for his product.  They are no bake cookies with melted marshmallows, peanut butter, chocolate chips, and Rice Krispies cereal.  In computer class they have to make a brochure with pictures to advertise their product.
 They are required to find the cost of the raw materials and when market day is over, pay that amount back to their parents.  Then they get to keep half of their profit and the other half is given to a nearby orphanage that the school helps support-pretty neat!

 For his brochure, he needed pictures of people tasting his product-so above, we recruited our driver and house helper!  Scott is going to wear his astronaut dress up suit to sell the "moon rocks"

Below Ashley and Ryan were happy to taste as well.  I thought they were pretty good!

 Scott and Greg set this up to film the commercial.  Scott did not appear in the commercial but there was a lego astronaut who talked to Houston about the problem of what to do with all the munchable moon rocks he was bringing back.  Houston suggested that he sell them at the 5th Grade Market Day.  They had lots of fun putting the commercial together. 

 Scott also took some moon rocks to school to let his classmates taste and some teachers too.  Scott said that they were popular and I think he is even more excited about market day now!  I will have to get some pictures of him actually selling them and will post later this month!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Raingutter Regatta for Boy Scouts

 Finally assembly, the night before the race.  Sadly I don't have pictures of the painting stage-was a little scared of what would happen to the camera if it was that close to boys and cans of spray paint!

 Finished products-Scott's on the left and Ryan's on the right
 Practicing in the bathtub

 Set up the next morning!
 Boat registration

 Greg took lots of pictures of the other boats for engingeering ideas!
 Below are the boys sitting with their dens

 They each received their first badge and were very proud of it!
 Doing their den cheers-Ryan's den is a little quieter and more reserved than Scott's

 Here is what Ashley did through a lot of the races-she can spend hours reading and coloring!
 The race was double elimination-all the boys started out racing against others their age and then best from each group went on.  Ryan won one of his races.

 Here are the boys showing off their boats and their new Scout shirts.  Their official uniforms should be ready soon!
 Scott won 2 of his races

 They both had a great time that day!

 Awards for fastest boat, best design, and scouts choice were given out at the end! 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Over the Break

 Silly crazy friends having snacks before we went to Fun Ranch to play!
 Ashley and I baked applesauce bread-it was only ok but we had fun making it together
 She needed her red sparkly shoes to cook in!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Tasting things and some more bike riding

 Above-I have mentioned these potato chips on the blog before but NO ONE took me up on the offer to send some to them for Christmas.  I had to buy and taste some.  The boys thought they were gross, Ashley actually liked them, but I had to agree with the boys!  I won't be buying them again!  However, a friend who likes seaweed told me that they don't taste much like seaweed really!

Cheese tastings-if you have never watched the British comedy Wallace and Gromit-you are missing out on something really funny.  Wallace and his dog Gromit love to eat cheese and crackers and there is even an episode where they are out of cheese, build a rocket, take it to the moon, and sample the moon's cheese.  Wallace's favorite cheese is gorgonzola.  Well over the last couple of weeks we have tried out samples of MANY different cheeses and watched some episodes of How Its Made from Netflix about cheese.

Below is not seaweed cheese but a cheese with pesto added-I bought it for Greg since his favorite color is green-it didn't taste so good though!  Maybe if you really liked pesto.
 We tasted goat cheese, brie, coconut cheese, parmesan reggiano and romano-comparing fresh to the green can, feta, cambozola-from Germany, stilton blue, and a couple of others.  With some all you could taste was the mold but it was a fun experience!
 The kids were out of school all this past week so there were several days when no one changed out of pajamas all day, we had a picnic dinner from McDonald's at Greg's office with him one night when he had to make a late conference call, we had friends over one afternoon, went to the indoor playground another day with friends, read, played, watched Voyage of the Dawn Treader and Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown, did some bike riding, and some swimming, and even a little school work.
 Here they are all ready to go!