Monday, January 23, 2017

The laugh of this morning!

I asked Ashley this morning what she would like for snack today.  Since her class has a later lunch time about 12:30 her teacher lets them have a snack mid-morning.  She said that she wanted dog food! 

I was bent double laughing in the kitchen and thankfully she laughed about it too.  She didn't really mean it and of course, I DID NOT send her a baggie of dog food to have. 

She just had that on her mind because Scott had just brought in a bowlful from the garage for Max to have for breakfast and he was noisily crunching away on his breakfast.

Think that she decided to have goldfish crackers instead!!!!!  Much tastier sounding!

As a child, I was always curious what my dog's food tasted like but it smelled so gross that I could never bring myself to taste it!

One of the first times I took Max to the vet Ashley went with me.  The vet gave her a treat to give to Max and Ashley nearly had it to her OWN mouth thinking that it was for her.  Thankfully the vet and I stopped her before she ate it!

As I have said here before we are never lacking in entertainment with 3 kids and a dog!

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Scott and Aidan

 Scott's friend, Aidan, from band class came over last Saturday and they really enjoyed playing their instruments together!  They sounded great when they were playing the same thing at the same time!
 Oh look, they swapped!  These two can play VERY loud!  Our neighbors can hear Scott when he practices alone-I wonder what they thought when they could hear both boys together?????  Gives me a whole new respect for band teachers!!!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Big Air Trampolines in Spartanburg

 There is a new trampoline park up the road from us and we decided to go last Friday afternoon to try it out.  It was really neat and fun and has some different activities like these ninja obstacle courses,

 this balance beam where you "joust" and see who gets knocked off first into a pit of foam-no, Scott is not growing long orange and gray hair-there is just something right behind his head making him look like he is!
 there is a rock climbing wall where you can jump off and land in the foam pit

 Ashley on the obstacle courses

 and the traditional huge space of multiple trampolines with bouncy walls too!
 It was a fun place to visit and all 3 slept REALLY well that night!

Christmas Funnies

 Of the nine cousins, a few of them are just a little bit CRAZY!!!!!!  I don't know why our 2 oldest would want to photo bomb and mess with the cuteness of the 4 youngest posing together in the middle-top is Katie and below is a nice CLOSE UP view of Scott!
 A rarity-all 16 of us sitting down to a meal at the same time in the dining room at Grammy's-often the kids eat in the kitchen and we adults eat before or after or standing around counters or in the sitting area beside the kitchen.  However as I count I believe that Ian and Ryan were leaning back to purposely miss being in the picture-those 2 are a little goofy also.  Starting at the front you can see Greg's sister Emily, Scott, Katie, Abby Jane, Ashley, Joy, Bev, me, Greg, Greg's sister Jodi, her husband Chris, Blythe, Maggie, and Em's husband Jake-well for a selfie attempt of 16 it is pretty good!

I saw this sign at Publix after Christmas and was tempted to buy it!  The funniest part to me was "Fruitcakes Welcome"  I don't know if they were talking about the kind you eat or the relatives??????

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Funny Boys

Often in the morning as I drive the boys to school I will dictate a grocery list and have Scott write it down for me.  He often makes me laugh at things he has written as I am shopping and reading the list he made.

Once I told him to "write broccoli whether he wanted to or not."

So what was written on the paper was

"broccoli whether I want it or not"

Ryan must have been paying attention because this morning before we left home, I was looking at the list on my lovely new magnet/dry erase board and laughing at how Ryan had spelled "Golden Ghram...." meaning Golden Grahams cereal-sometimes his spelling makes me laugh on Scott's lists too.  Then Ryan decided to confess that when he had added Golden Grahams he had ERASED where I had put lettuce on the grocery list!!!!!!  A plain lettuce salad with only raisins or craisins is Ryan's vegetable of choice.  We had a good laugh about it and then I told him he was smart to confess BEFORE I had gone shopping instead of waiting until after!

He also has made us laugh calling Worcestershire sauce "wart-ta-shire" sauce!

Since having children I have often said there are times when I lack peace and quiet but we are NEVER lacking for something to laugh about at our house!

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Grandaddy is 90 almost!

 Today-January 14, Greg's grandad turns 90 and Bev, Granny Joan, and their close neighbor friend had been planning a celebration-we were so excited that they did it over Christmas when the 3 families of grandkids and 9 great grandchildren were going to be in town.

There was a mat for a picture for everyone to write on when they came in-below our Ryan wrote such a heartfelt note!  "WOW 90 is a big #.  I love you Ryan"
 Here is his neighbor Ryan scoping out the yummy snacks
 kids enjoying the deck Grandaddy built and paper airplanes-something he started them on many years back
 Greg, Bart, and Grandaddy
 We got letters from family and friends and put them together in a scrapbook for him to enjoy-here are Carol and Bev looking at it with him
 a really neat cake

 a really cool poster-in 1927 a gallon of milk cost 56 cents and a loaf of bread only 9 cents!

 girls enjoying cake on the deck-Joy, Ashley, Blythe, and Maggie
 Ryan and Abby Jane

 a sweet little neighbor friend
 and a crazy Ian-it was SO fun and special to be able to be there to celebrate with Grandaddy!

Friday, January 13, 2017

Our Snow Day

 This is what our backyard looked like when 3-5 inches of snow had been predicted-sadly we only measured about a 1/2 inch on the rail. 
 Max thought the snow was wonderful!!!

 He would look very confused when we would throw him a snowball and it would just disintegrate!

 Ashley was also VERY excited about the snow!

 Ryan's hair went a little wild!!!!
 We stayed in for a while and went out to walk Max later-it was warmer but still bitterly cold with the wind blowing

 trying to catch another snowball!

 Ashley has to always stop and say hi to our neighbor's little dog, Harley

 Fun throwing chunks of ice and snow!

 Scott will be as tall as Greg soon-he has passed me already and is now 5 foot 71/2 inches

 Snow angels and making footprints are fun!