Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Chinese New Year Show

 While Greg was gone to South Africa, the kids and I went to Resorts World and got to see this free show in the atrium of the mall.

 They had a dragon dance

 Lion dancers-2 people inside each costume!  Ryan was intrigued and I could see the wheels turning in his head as he figured out how they controlled the eyes and the costume!

 They had martial arts demonstrations

 and Chinese yo-yos, called diabolos

 Now it is time for the really special lion dancers on the poles

 So cool!

 They did all kinds of jumps and tricks while up on the poles and up there and from the floor they threw oranges to the crowd!

 The emperor came to visit!

 Then we went up to the movie theater there to see the new cool 3D Lego movie-it was cute!

 on the way downstairs after the movie I took these of the atrium
 and pretty teapots at a store
 Kids by the fountain near the exit that has revolving doors-I think I could drop them off and let them play in the doors all afternoon!