Friday, January 22, 2016

January Happenings

 How could he possibly be comfortable sleeping like that????
 We were all snuggled up watching Miracle on 84th Street and Max was lonely in the kitchen.
 We decided while we were all home and there were more eyes to watch him and help keep him out of trouble to take down the "dog fence"
 He did amazingly well and only took a few really interesting ornaments off the tree. 

 He likes to read with Ashley in the floor and is pretty obedient about staying off the sofas unless he is invited.  He now has access to all of the downstairs except the kids playroom-way too many legos on the floor in there!
 Scott got braces-sorry for the bad picture.  Now after they have been on about 2 weeks, he is pretty well adjusted.  Though he has had some discomfort and blisters, it is getting better.
 We enjoyed a long weekend where the kids had Friday and Monday off from school.  Ashley's classmate Claire and her little brother Henry came over to play on Friday.  The boys all kept playing wii even after Ashley and Claire left to play dress up, tea party, and nail salon.  Ryan and Henry built a fort in the garage and then we all watched Jumanji.  It was a fun (though nasty and rainy outside) day!

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Christmas Day at home!

 Trying to get a picture before we let them come downstairs to open presents!
 Reese's peanut butter cups are his favorites!

 She loved her new monogrammed umbrella!

 Max got a black Kong toy which he seems to really like!

Ryan was SUPER excited that he got a 2nd green light saber so that now he can hook them together!

 Ryan got a book for Scott called "Woof" about a dog-that he found a the book fair.  Since the kids have been doing jobs and earning money around the house since we have been back they each bought their siblings a gift with their own money this year.
 Max enjoying his new toy
 More bows the merrier!
 Scott can never have too many books about Star Wars!
 Ashley was super excited about a rock set/book that I got her from a school book order form.

 She bought minion ornaments for the boys for Christmas
 Scott got Ashley a journal with a real lock on it

 Scott's big present-Benny's spaceship, spaceship, spaceship-a rare little boy side seen in one who is growing up so quickly.
 An Elsa castle that she was really happy about
 an American girl binder
 everyone with Greg and their favorite gifts-Ryan has his light saber laying in his lap-Ashley also got a doll that she has named Lucy

 Aunt Ann sent us a package from Colorado-Ryan has built tons of his snap circuit experiments and loves this kit-very cool and highly recommended for boys!
 Ashley is warm & cozy in a new hat, scarf, and gloves
 no it's not a toaster
 but was stuffed bunnies that are SO soft-they are named Fluffy and Bugs

 Ryan got a Bionicle (I call Bionicles and hero factory guys ugly guys.  The boys say they are not ugly and my response is that they are not pretty at all!)
 Greg always likes to have breakfast food for breakfast so he had breakfast casserole and we enjoyed eating on our special Christmas dishes.
 There was a LOT of lego building that went on Christmas day

 Max also got a wrapping paper roll
 which he tremendously enjoyed destroying!
 We always have something special and sweet to celebrate Jesus' birthday for Christmas morning breakfast-this year the kids each had a cookie they had decorated at Grammy's house
 Grammy gave Ryan in his stocking at her house a can of whackers (canned biscuits-we call them whackers because my mom said that you tore off the outer wrapper and whacked them on the counter)  We accidentally left Ryan's can in Grammy's fridge but I told him he could have a can all to himself at home and NO ONE else was allowed to eat any of them.
 Aunt Ann sent Scott some really cool science kits with fun experiments

 more Lego building
 Max looking like a train or a bus came through the kitchen and knocked him down!
 Scott and Ryan also got some new Star Wars legos-it was a fun day relaxing at home!