Thursday, March 31, 2016

Fun Spring Activities

2nd new post of the day-Ashley went to a painting b'day party at a good friend's house!  Love their pictures!
 Ryan and I brought Max along when we picked Ashley up.  Her friend lives in our old neighborhood and so we took Max for a walk around the lake-wish we could move the lake and walking path to our new neighborhood!
 Her friend's neighbor had just gotten a new puppy-Ashley loves little dogs too!

 a boy and his dog-walking through the woods!

 I don't think we could have crammed any more fun into this Saturday if we had tried-Gravitopia, a Girl Scout meeting, a birthday party, and a great walk!

Ryan's Scout Outing

 This was our first trip to Gravitopia and it was awesome!  The kids had a blast!  Trampolines are great and pits of foam are awesome to jump/fall into!

 I think both Ashley and Ryan could have done this all day-swinging on the trapeze and landing in a foam pit.

 They loved these swinging things also

 This was the Blue and Gold end of year celebration for all the scouts in the cub scout pack.  They had juice and cake after they played.  Since this is Ryan's last year, he and the other boys in his den will have a Crossover ceremony in April as they move to Boy Scouts.  They had a great time and it was a fun celebration.  I would highly recommend Gravitopia-we will definitely be going back!

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Max goes for a swim

 It was warm outside last Saturday so we filled up his pool and let Max play a little!
 He doesn't like water coming from the hose

Friday, March 25, 2016

Disciple Now at church

I LOVE this picture from the host home where the 7th grade boys stayed this year.  They are our friends Lauren and Ryan-Lauren was at Furman with me and is also one of Ashley's Sunday School teachers this year.  We have been at church together since before having kids. 

This 7th grade bunch of boys is a really neat group, dedicated and just a nice group of boys with nice families who have been together for a while now.  Lauren and her husband Ryan have Andrew who was born just 2 days after Scott-I walked down the hall at the hospital to see them the morning before we brought Scott home. 

Front-Silas, Scott, AJ
Middle-Daniel, Christian (our friends who did a job assignment in Germany's son), Austin, and Seth
Back-Brandon and Andrew

The theme of the weekend was Not Ashamed and they studied the apostle Peter.  Thankful for good friends for Scott, a committed youth minister/youth small group leaders who love, pray for and disciple these boys, and a church that supports awesome weekends like Disciple Now.

Funny ways to say words!

2nd post of the day-

I have said even since having one child that though we are lacking for peace and quiet often at our house, we are NEVER lacking in fun and silliness!

There were lots more of these kinds of funny kids stories when they were younger but some recent funnies are-

Scott asking me "mom, what is Ti-jew-ana Flats?"  really it was Tijuana Flats-the Mexican restaurant-this was several months ago but he is taking Spanish at school.  I told him to tell that story on himself to his Spanish teacher but not sure if he did or not!

Ryan was studying the Civil War earlier in the year in Social Studies and when asked about it was telling us at dinner one night about the "coll-o-nels" and the "re-bells" When Greg and I got off the floor laughing we said well that is what those words LOOK like but that's not what they are supposed to sound like.

Ashley was reading a book recently and asked me if E-q-door was a real place.  I had NO IDEA what she was talking about until I looked at the page and told her that yes Ecuador is a real country and has no q sound.

Good Friday

I was talking to Ashley today about the fact that today was Good Friday and that I always thought it was sad that the day Jesus was crucified was called a good day.  She was quick to point out that is good (even great, awesome, and amazing) that He came to die for our sins!  She is ABSOLUTELY right! 

She had a lot of fun with the below Easter story hunt-print the puzzle, cut it into pieces, put each piece in a plastic Easter egg, and hide them.  When you've found all the eggs you can put the puzzle back together again.

I hid the 15 eggs for her-it is more challenging to hide eggs when you have a dog constantly looking for things he might want to chew on/eat!  She found them pretty quickly and then of course, wanted to hide them for Scott and Ryan.  She hid them while I was doing something else and not paying attention to where she was putting the eggs!  When the boys came down, they found the first 11 quickly but were not real happy with her when she had to really work to remember where she had hidden the last 4 eggs.  We did find them all though!

This reminded me of when I was little and the only grandchild on one side of the family for a long time.  On the other side of the family, I was the only grandchild who lived in town. 

At my mom's parent's house we always hid eggs (real hard boiled, dyed ones) outside in the yard.  I LOVED getting to hide the eggs and make/ask the grown ups look for them.  Friends teased my grandfather about driving by and seeing him in his Sunday clothes and probably a hat, carrying around my Easter basket hunting eggs, but he did it anyway!  There were many times, especially when I was the one hiding, when we didn't find all the eggs.  I remember more than once someone backing over an egg hidden under a car tire when it was time to go home.  I also remember my grandfather sitting perfectly still when I had hidden an egg in the groove in the top of his hat and waiting patiently for someone to FIND that egg.  He was really good at sitting still-he would drink his coffee on the back steps of their house and had a squirrel who would come up and eat peanuts out of his pants pocket-this was the poor squirrel that I named Squeaky and according to my mom chased thousands of miles around the yard!

At my dad's mom's house next door, she wanted to hide candy eggs (that tasted gross) inside and the funny part about that was that just about anytime during the year when you opened a drawer at her house or had a pulling out (emptying everything from a closet to clean out or look for something) you were almost guaranteed to find a forgotten Easter egg!

I remember a story mom and dad told me from an Easter when they were children-the church building was old and had stained glass windows that tilted in-even up in the choir loft.  The choir was singing "Up from the Grave He Arose" since it was Easter.  They began slowly and somberly "Lo in the grave he lay, Jesus my Savior....." and when they reached the Up from the Grave He Arose part everyone stood and began singing loudly and joyfully-except the poor man who whacked his head on the stained glass window when he got up!

Another funny Easter story was one year a neighbor brought my grandmother a coconut cake for Easter that was supposed to be a lamb.  It was supposed to be sitting with its legs folded up under its body and looked fluffy with the icing covered in coconut and then green dyed coconut as grass for it to sit in and some jelly beans scattered around the base of the cake to add some color.  There was something a little off about the lamb's shape and my dad said that it looked more like an Easter dog-we enjoyed the cake and laughed for many years afterward about the Easter dog cake-maybe Max could be our Easter dog-I bet they had bunny ear headbands at the pet store!

Jelly beans-I am a little particular about my jelly beans-Jelly Belly's are not my favorite, but I love Starburst and Sweet Tart jelly beans.  They have only flavors/colors that I like. I had bought some other ones because Ashley's Sunday School class was doing an activity where you needed black jelly beans-it was sort of like a salvation bead bracelet only with jelly beans.  So you have to have black ones to represent sin and white to represent Jesus washing our sins away.  So I bought a couple of bags for her class to use and the extras got thrown into a bag of snack mix that I make with cereal, goldfish, raisins, and whatever else I am trying to clean out of the pantry.  Ashley came home from school twice this week telling me that she REALLY doesn't like black jelly beans!  I told her that I totally agree-they are gross!  I explained why I had bought them, told her she didn't have to eat any more of them and told her about my 4th grade teacher who LOVED black jelly beans and how I would always take mine to her after Easter each year!  Funny things you remember about teachers!

Enjoy a wonderful weekend and special Resurrection Day!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Ryan is 11!

 2nd new post for today-His birthday was last week-March 10th-Birthday breakfast-I can't believe that our little bitty 3 1/2 pound (7 1/2 week early) baby is 11 now!  Biscuits are his absolute favorite for breakfast so we put in a candle and sang before school!

Quiche with sausage and cheese is Ryan's favorite thing to have for dinner and he always wants more when we have it.  So for his birthday I made extra and this was HIS whole quiche-which, by the way, took him 3 dinners to eat!

 This was Saturday morning after his birthday was on Thursday-Ryan also LOVES bacon and frequently he and Greg "fight" over it on Saturday mornings.
We went to dinner at Fuddrucker's to celebrate the weekend before his actual birthday.  After dinner, he and Greg went to Wal-Mart for him to pick out a new bicycle.  Above is his new bike!

 Here is our little Ryan!

 1st times getting to hold him in the NICU!

 Here we are with Greg's grandparents
 Ready to come home after only 12 days in the NICU-Grammy's 1st time to hold Ryan
 Scott meeting his "baby brubber"  Scott was almost 22 months old here.
 He was an adorable little wad who ate and slept for several weeks!
 This was the first picture just me and my 2 boys!
 He was even little compared to the double head rest insert in the carseat!
 This hand picture has always been a favorite of ours-a sweet picture to me of how our Heavenly Father holds us in the palm of his hand!
 GG's first time holding Ryan!
 They left me here on the sofa and wouldn't share the remotes!
Daddy and I love you SO much, Ryan-our kind hearted middle one!  Can't believe that you will be off to middle school in just a few months!  So proud of the fine young man you are growing into!