Saturday, August 27, 2011

Ashley and her clothes

 These shorts were found last summer in my parents' attic.  I wore them when I was little-pretty scary that they are at least similar in color to things made now-they have giant butterflies on them.
 Shouldn't you always wear a floral print shirt with your heart pants?
At least this was a "dress up" outfit but she is wearing ice cream pajamas, a green Tinkerbell costume over that, flower print sunglasses (from the $1 bin at Target, her special "Aunt Todd" blanket as a cape, carrying her Cinderella wand that makes noise and "poofs" people and purple crocs.  If you ever wonder what to wear call Ashley and she will select something stunning for you!

I have been trying to teach Ashley about matching clothes when she is allowed to choose what she is going to wear.  One day she came down from her room in a red shirt and hot pink shorts.  I explained that we didn't wear those 2 colors together because they don't match. 

It's a little complicated to teach a 3 year old about not wearing patterns that are too busy and compete with each other.  Today she put on a pair of pants-white with small hearts on them.  The hearts are pink, yellow, and purple.  They came with a shirt that is yellow and has a butterfly on it.  I don't know what she has against that shirt but she has told me several times that she doesn't like that shirt.  So instead she wore it with a shirt that had princesses on it-unfortunately it had gotten put away dirty-Briar Rose had dried chocolate on her face.  I had her change before we went to the mall.  Then when she got up from her nap, she wanted to put those pants on again.  This time with a floral print shirt (that came with solid purple pants).  When I told her they didn't match she said with a very serious face and pointing finger to help me understand "the purple matches the purple the pink matches the pink and the yellow matches the yellow!" 

Ashley also doesn't understand about shades of color yet-she wants to wear a pink shirt with pink pants and doesn't care that one is light pink and one hot pink or even sometimes that they are 2 different shades of hot pink.

Some very entertaining pictures to come soon.  Don't let them hurt your eyes!


  1. Tell Ashley not to worry about all the fashion rules. Most of the rules were probably created by that crazy lady that published a whole book on etiquette, like anyone remembers her name or rules. Like I tell Katie, if you are confident enough to wear it out then put it on and let's go show it off!!! from Uncle Chris

  2. OK, so I agree Emily Post isn't The Word of God but it did help with crazy silverware arrangements, (remember the Park Hotel?) in European (or other) continental settings... So Susan didn't you wish you had it in your handbag in that hotel restaurant with all of the interesting array of silverware combinations? AND skipping a few years down the road from those boyfriend- on- the- phone days that Greg alluded to with Ashley, you'll be addressing wedding invitations and then you'll really think it is handy to have that little volume at your fingertips...Back to the pictures though, I loved them. I think Ashley might have a future as a personal shopper or fashion consultant. :)
