Thursday, November 3, 2011

More Funny Random Things to Share

 These are the shirts Greg brought the kids from Chile-they were excited about them but I got cooler stuff-a statue of penguins on a piece of ice-carved out of beautiful lapis lazuli blue stone, a blue statue like the ones on Easter Island (I didn't know Easter Island was part of Chile-did you?), and a beautiful pair of green heart shaped earrings and a charm for a necklace that matches.  He is a good shopper!
 This is some of the kids haul of candy from the trick or treating with Ashley's school Halloween party-more on that later.

This is a treat a little like a moon pie that we got for Halloween-thought the package was cool and we laughed and how similar it was to a moon pie.

 This is the Southern Living Magazine that I read now-our area Muntinlupa is south of Manila-thus the name.
 This is a HUGE package of cupcake liners that I bought here-it made me laugh because normally things come in smaller pkges or sizes than I am used to-even pringles potato chips in a tall can are smaller chips than you buy in the US.
 Guess I can make lots of muffins and cupcakes while I'm here-345 pesos is about $8 and the package is about a foot long.
 This is what happens to a 3 year old who still needs a nap some days but doesn't want to take one.  She was crying and very upset at bedtime saying "I don't want to go to bed"  The boys were going to bed also.  I sent her upstairs because she was being ugly and this is what I found less than 5 minutes later when I went up to tuck her in.  At first I thought she was playing so I tickled her a little and moved her around getting her covered up-she never woke up.  This proves to me that I am still doing the right thing sending her to her room in the afternoons for a rest time, even if she doesn't want to go or doesn't sleep while she is in there.

 Ryan is our family Philippines expert-this is some of the booklet he put together during his unit in Social Studies.  The chocolate hills are brown in the fall-you can't (as Scott had hoped) eat them.

 The ever famous Jeepney!  Ryan is also the only one of us who has ridden one of these-The first grades rented one or two, they came to the school and the students got to ride.  Public ones are notorious for pickpockets and we have been told that as American-aka "pinky skinned people" we shouldn't do this.  I was a little disappointed that parents weren't included in the field trip.
 This is the view that I enjoy when I lay back and float around the pool-my ears underwater so all the noise is muffled-feels like luxurious island living.  Notice in this picture the water is still-the children are obviously nowhere near the water!

These chips were part of our zoo lunch on Tuesday and I thought the back of the can was interesting even though I couldn't read much on it.

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