Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A confession and more of Ryan is funny!

I realized after posting about how funny it is that Ryan likes his stuffed animals just so on a certain side of his pillow, sorted by category of animal that he may have gotten a little of that from me.

One of the strangest things to me about having a house helper (other than the whole-stranger living in your house thing) is that things don't necessarily stay where I left them.  Oftentimes this is good-with dirty dishes, unmade beds, dirty clothes, etc.  However I laughed at myself when I left a pair of Greg's pants over the back of a chair in the den.  They were not folded and one pocket was pulled inside out.  Dali didn't know that I was leaving them there because I had planned to take them somewhere to have the pocket replaced because it had torn.  When I came home that afternoon, the pants were neatly folded in the chair and I had to laugh at myself.

Today was a holiday here and so we all enjoyed the day off.  Greg and I were sleeping in and the kids were playing in the den-Scott playing wii and Ashley and Ryan were watching him with their pillows, blankets, and stuffed animals (all arranged just so, I'm sure).  Dali was in the kitchen and realized that Ashley was upset and checked on her-her blanket was missing.  Ashley came into the kitchen looking and looked all over the den and was sure that she had just had it.  Dali looked at Ryan and said that something about his face gave him away-she asked him if he had Ashley's blanket and he did!  He had hidden it from her under a pillow.  When I asked Ryan if he had played a trick on Ashley a huge grin took over his whole face and he nodded with a very pleased expression on his face!  It was so funny.  He so gets this from Greg who loves playing jokes on the kids!

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