Friday, October 7, 2011

Ashley's field trip to Sumo Sam's

I got a note last week about another field trip for Ashley's class.  They have been talking about Community Helpers this month and were going to a restaurant to see a chef demonstration.  Well, that sounded fun until I saw that the chef was going to teach them to make their own sushi rolls.  I seriously considered not going on this trip-either of us-because Ashley couldn't go without me.  I kept reading the note and saw that there was a lake nearby where you could feed fish and go for a boat ride.  That made me reconsider.  The note also said that you could stay and have lunch at the restaurant if you wanted-I decided we would pack our own lunches instead.

Well to start with we got lost on the way there.  We were out in the boonies-passing fields with goats and an enormous bull in them.  Thankfully my driver stopped twice to ask directions and finally got us there.  I got Ashley seated at the table and a chef came to each table to give instructions.  Each child got their own sushi mat (which we got to bring home).  Everyone got a piece of seaweed paper and then Ashley didn't want to touch the sticky rice to spread out onto her seaweed paper.  Next you put lettuce, some other vegetables and mango slices.  Then you roll it up, the chef cut all the children's rolls-oh and Ashley didn't want to touch the orange fish eggs you sprinkled on the outside of the roll either.  Needless to say she wouldn't eat it.  I had a bite and really didn't care for it either. We didn't stay for lunch but went to investigate the lake, fish, and boats.  Ashley said on the way home that the boat ride was her favorite part-mine too!

Something interesting happened at the lake though-no, we didn't get wet.  I had been told that often American children are mobbed here because they look so different-people will want their picture taken with them etc.  This was the first time this has really happened to us.  There was a VERY large group of traveling students on buses and they were all very interested in her, taking MANY pictures.  I heard one say she looked like a Barbie.  Just a slightly strange experience.  In spite of the long drive and not enjoying the sushi we had a fun day!
 Sitting at the table with her classmates
 Ashley and her current teacher-Ms Rheena
 Bjorn and Andy sitting across from Ashley-"Look, Mom my sushi mat!"

 Look what I made!
 This is Yanna-the little girl who recently had a Hello Kitty birthday party in Ashley's class
 Chef Roy showing the children the salmon roe-"do you really think we are going to eat fish eggs?"
 Bjorn doesn't look very happy with his creation
 Ashley and I with her sushi-at least I was brave and tried a bite!
 Ashley looking at the plumbago and lantana around the lake

 Feeding some VERY hungry fish!  You can see how wide some of the mouths are open
Riding the boat

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