Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Clubs at Brent School

The after school clubs have started at school this week and the boys are loving theirs.  They could have filled all their afternoons with many neat choices but Greg and I decided to limit them to just one for the first time. 

For Ryan there was no decision-the choice was made for him-He wanted to be in the Lego club!  On Monday, he went for the first time and had a ball.  He told me that there was a problem an astronaut had gone out of his spaceship and wasn't attached.  So the kids each have to build something to rescue the astronaut floating around in space and his original spaceship.  Ryan will just eat this up!  There is also a good friend from his class in this club too.

Scott had a much harder time deciding because there were so many he wanted to do.  He got it narrowed down to basketball or chess.  I told him that I thought he should do chess because we had a basketball goal for our driveway coming in the container.  He went to chess club for the first time yesterday and had a good time.  There are 5 boys from his class in there and he watched 2 movies on-line last night about how the different chess pieces move.  I think this will be a great new hobby for him.

The best thing about clubs is that the buses run again at the end of the club session and the boys are brought home just like any other day-just an hour later!  No extra driving involved. 


  1. So glad the kids have found some neat clubs! And I completely appreciate the fact that the bus still brings them home afterwards!

  2. What wonderful fun opportunities they are getting there. Yea for you and Greg, though for limiting them. I see too many burned out kids... I am so enjoying your posts...
