Saturday, September 17, 2011

Brent Spirit Week

The boys have been dressing up each day for Spirit week and I think it is more of a treat since they have been wearing uniforms every day.

Monday-Blast from the Past-Scott wore a toga (he has been reading Magic Tree House books about the ancient Greeks) made of a sheet-a little tricky with no safety pins but Engineer Dad came up with a solution-we borrowed some old button/pins he had and made use of their pins to hold the toga together over Scott's uniform.  Ryan wore his AJ Whittenberg shirt from his past school year.

Tuesday-twin day-each chose a friend in their class/grade to dress like

Wednesday-pajama day-their favorite-my kids would live in pjs if I let them.

Thursday-superhero day-our dress up clothes arrived just in time-Ryan was spiderman and Scott was batman

Friday-house shirts-their school has a house system like in England.  Both boys are in the gold house.  The others are emerald and azure.  There was a big house rally and running competition with 10 runners from each house competing-the boys were excited because both had friends in the classes who were running.  They have house activities throughout the year and earn points for their house (even from wearing costumes this week) and the winner is announced at the end of the year.  Even the teachers are assigned a house.  They had a lot of fun dressing up and enjoyed the house rally.  Ashley and I would have gone but she had a big school activity that requires its own post-see the next one.

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