Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Young Inventor's Fair

 Ryan's class was divided into groups and each had to come up with an invention to solve a problem.  Ryan's group named theirs the Magic Pop and it is an opener for bottles and jars

 Last Tuesday night before going to Scouts all the 5th graders gathered in the cafeteria to show off their inventions. 

 The group did a really good job-they had to write about the problem it solved, the cost of their materials, how their invention compared to other similar things available on the market already and what they would sell their invention for.
 Some other inventions Ashley and I saw were a clothes hanger to put your whole outfit on for the next day, a hair brush that already had gel on it to keep down fly away hair, a dog harness with reflective tape to make it easier to see your dog walking at night, and many others.  It was a fun night but we are definitely counting down the school days at our house-just 6 more mornings to get up!!!

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