Tuesday, May 14, 2013

2nd Grade Bazaar

 The 2nd Grade bazaar is the culminating activity for their study of processing and production in Social Studies.  They have talked about many raw materials and what they are made into, went on a field trip to a noodle factory, a pizza place for lunch, and a doughnut factory, and watched lots of neat movies about how things are made.

Each child had to choose 3 products they could make and then the class voted on which they thought was best.  They had to fill out paperwork showing how much it cost to make their product and what they would charge for it. 

I was glad that Ryan's teacher said that food and drink items were most popular!  We decided to make Rice Krispy treats and because marshmallows are SO popular here you can get them in many flavors all year 'round.  So we made mango, strawberry, chocolate, and regular with sprinkles-which is why Ryan's poster is divided into 4 sections and colored that way-his is the poster on the far right of the top picture.  Each product had to have a name and there were tables set up outside (thankfully in the shade this year) and all the younger kids and the 3rd-5th graders also came out to go shopping.

Ryan had a BLAST!   He was so excited about his product and especially considering how normally soft spoken and quiet he is, did a terrific job talking to customers and asking people if they wanted to buy a rice krispie treat!  Each student had to bring a money box with change from home and had a calculator to help figure change.

Below, the little girl in purple was Ryan's first customer!
 He decided that a hat from the cereal box was a cool idea.  Bellow is Ashley's friend Hannah buying a treat
 Here are some of Ryan's classmates at their table selling cookies, games, and paper folded airplanes

 Above is the principal, Dr. Southerland out shopping at the bazaar
 Ryan's sweet 1st grade teacher bought a treat too!
 Mr. Marozzi bought lots of things!
 Here is Scott having a treat-sorry, no sibling discout!  but he had been sampling things at home!

Afterward the kids counted their earnings and figured out how much profit they had made!  It also gave us a great opportunity at home to talk about tithes and offerings.  Ryan was excited to take his envelope to church on Sunday morning following the bazaar and still had enough money to buy another building kit like his birthday gift White House.  He finally decided on the Taj Mahal-it is almost finished and I'll be sure to post a picture soon!

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