Friday, January 27, 2012

Christmas Cards and Greg's new Office

Thank you so much for the Christmas cards-it has been fun to hear from you and see pictures of children who have grown up so much since we left.  We have received several recently-The mining and metals group moved to some new office space over the holidays so we think our mail was slowed down even more than usual (just getting here) while someone figured out that Greg Elliott didn't sit where he used to but was in a different building.  We still have some cards at our mail forwarding address because we are waiting on one more thing to arrive before we have them send us a package of mail.  Just one of the funny things about living here!

I should have taken my camera when we went over the holiday because Greg would have been less embarassed about me taking pictures when very few people were around.  We took his mom to see the office as boxes and furniture were being moved in.  I didn't think to take pictures then and may not get to now unless I sneak in sometime when Greg doesn't know I'm coming!  Anyway it is funny being in new office space-never been occupied before.  Greg had some good stories when he got home the first day-they had dry erase boards, but no markers, sometimes the elevators work and sometimes they don't, sometimes they remember to turn the air cons on and sometimes they don't.  It will be months yet before people's nametags and labels for conference rooms, etc will be ready.  They saw a mouse one day-ran out from under Greg's assistant's desk-she was not thrilled about that.  It is a very nice building-in spite of all the stories and the mining and metals lobby is really neat with lots of cool pictures of mine sites and equipment.  If I am "allowed" to take pictures sometime I promise I will post them.

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