Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Things I've never seen/done before

-delivery of food from McDonald's and Wendy's-many restaurants deliver here, often on bicycles or moped things

-during one of our first grocery shopping trips, Greg saw on an aisle header-Bottled fish.  He went to investigate it and said that it was exactly what the sign said it was.  I told him I would skip out on that aisle.

-After my trip to another grocery store I told Greg that I could top the bottled fish-with squid balls and fish bacon-doesn't that make you hungry?

-helping Greg catch lizards in our bedroom before going to bed at night

-an entire aisle of the grocery store devoted to rice

-gone to eat at Outback Steakhouse and been served calamari that were the whole squid fried as an appetizer

-had a driver-am always dropped at the door and never have to remember where I parked the car

-had to turn off air conditioners in separate rooms

-had a shower door that latches on the inside and another one that looks suspiciously like a sliding patio door

-had need for a water cooler before-for drinking water safety issues

-have never lived in a country where people don't have voicemail

-have never lived somewhere you can text a business and they prefer you to communicate that way

-Greg says that I should add that I've never been apart from all my teapots-they are all in storage with Ashley's dead ladybugs.

-LIVE fish swimming in a tank at a store (S and R-our version of Sam's) for you to purchase

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