Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Things I didn't appreciate enough when I had them

-Wal-Mart and Target
-toilet paper in public restrooms
-toilet seats-who knew?
-paper towels that didn't shred when they got wet, like toilet paper
-paper napkins that were actually large enough and thick enough to be useful
-drinks that were actually large at restaurants-like McDonalds
-American money
-making phone calls in America-here you use one number if calling from cell and another if calling from a land line-I have too many new things to have to put that much thought into making a phone call
-goldfish crackers-for my kids-they could live on these and I found 1 small bag in 1 grocery store and haven't been able to find them since
-canned Cokes sold in a box, not individually-if I am shopping at S and R-our equivalent of Sam's I can buy a flat, but at the 3 other grocery stores I have been to, they are all individual sitting on the shelf
-dairy products-the ones that taste best come from California-ie milk and cheese
-strawberries-these also come from California and are very expensive-I told the kids that they would be a real treat here-when my knives come we'll be buying fresh pineapples-I can't wait, really have enjoyed having it fresh in the hotel restaurant

I'm sure there will be more to add to this list the longer we are here :) but thought some of these would make you laugh

1 comment:

  1. I've been enjoying all your posts. Keep them coming! Toilet paper and toilet seats....hilarious! But only to me because I have both. I'm sure its not so funny to you while you are dealing with it. I can only imagine having to take children to the restroom...especially a little girl! I don't think Ashley's legs are long enough to 'hover' over the toilet.
