Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Our big Move

Well, we have been in Manila for a little over 2 weeks now but I'll back up a little and try to get you caught up on our adventure so far.

Earlier this spring, for several weeks Greg and I had been talking and praying about the possibility of an international job assignment.  There were several we had talked about and decided against for one reason or another.  We decided definitely that we were going to be moving to the Philippines while the kids were out of school for Spring Break.  We were enjoying a week at Uncle Wayne and Aunt Boo's cabin in North Ga and told the children while we were there.

Their responses were very reflective of their personalities.  Scott (our 8 year old who will talk to ANYONE) said "how will we talk to people?" when I told him that we were moving to a foreign country.  Ryan (our 6 year old who does not like change of any kind) said "I don't want to go" and Ashley (our 3 year old who is game for just about anything and tries with all her might to keep up with her brothers) said "I love it!"  when I asked her what she thought about moving to Manila.

We tried to answer the kids questions about what things would be like in our new home, talked about the fact that they would get to fly on an airplane to get there, and remind them that they had started at a brand new school this school year and had loved it.  Greg knew then that he would be making a trip to Manila in late May and would be looking at houses for us to rent and visiting schools for the boys and promised to take lots of pictures for us to see of the new place we'd be going.  Speaking of pictures-it may take me a while to get some on the blog but I promise that I will when I can.

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