Sunday, March 24, 2013

Ashley's Preschool Program and Graduation

 This was in the auditorium of one of the larger schools in our neighborhood, during program practice on Saturday morning-last week.  Above is Ashley's class and below is the toddler class-2 year olds, who were not all happy to be on the stage!

 Ashley's class practicing their dance
 Their class picture

Below is the afternoon program itself


 Had to share the pictures of the other classes to show off all the cool costumes!

 Ashley would probably have liked the below costumes the best-the hot pink outer skirts came off with a short, gold, sparkly skirt underneath!
 All the children changed clothes for the graduation part
 The children came to the microphone to introduce themselves and tell what they want to be when they grow up.  They had been practicing this for weeks at school.  Ashley started out telling me that she wanted to be a fairy and when I told her those weren't real she said she wanted to be a tooth fairy.  I think this was prompted by the fact that Ryan has recently lost 2 more teeth but I couldn't persuade her to change her mind.  I suggested several other things she could choose but when it was her turn with the microphone she said she wanted to be a tooth fairy and keep money for people until their teeth come out-got a good chuckle from the audience!

 They asked me to make a goodbye speech so I got up and told the audience how much we had loved our time at Little Apprentice and how we always recommended them to friends looking for preschools.

At the end all the children came back out to sing one last song
-it was a very sweet program and all the kids did a great job!  Ashley was so excited about it and afterward she got to choose where we went out for dinner to celebrate-TGI Fridays!
 The kids wanted to have their pictures made with the jeepney and calessa cut-outs in the school's courtyard!

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