Thursday, August 23, 2012

Greenville-aaahhhh! and back to Atlanta

 Warning-an obscene amount of pictures to follow!

I told some of my longtime native Greenville friends that I know how they hate the traffic and congestion on Woodruff Rd. but both times this summer as I drove onto it, I just felt at home!  I have spent many hours driving up and down that road in the 6 years we lived off of it!

The park in Greer with some of my parent's Navy friends' 3 granddaughters

 We saw a train!
 Building train tracks in Uncle Daf and Aunt Theta's playroom

 A lakeside concert at Furman with friends

 One of my MOST favorite things in Greenville that I don't have a picture of is listening to Scott and his friend Christian being together in person after his family moved back to Greenville (having lived in Germany on Dad's job assignment for 3 years).  I stood outside Christian's door hearing their conversation and had tears in my eyes!!!!  It was SO good to see their family again.  I got to have a girls dinner out at my favorite Mexican place with Christian's mom, Leslie and another dear girlfriend, Amy.  Sweet to be with good friends after being away for a year.

On the way back to Grammy's we met my cousin Erin and her kids at their awesome neighborhood pool!

 I could not count how many times Scott went down this slide!  I had to agree with him that it was super cool!   I went down it too!

 Sarah Grace with Scott and Ryan
 Lonnie and Ryan

 Don't all little girls need a spiderman swim mask and spidey gloves

 On Erin's porch-I told her as we left that my mother and grandmother would have so enjoyed seeing all these kids playing together!!!!!  The last time they had seen each other was at GreatMommy's 90th birthday, almost 2 years ago!
 Back in Atlanta!
 Paper airplanes with Grandaddy!

 Decorating with Granny Joan
 Lunch on Father's Day-we had left cards for Greg to open in Manila and we called him!
 Catching up with Uncle Wayne and Aunt Boo!
 The cousins weekend-WOW do they have fun and love being together and we grown ups all love watching them!  I am blessed after growing up an only child to have 2 sweet sisters whom I love and their husbands and their little ones!  We are so blessed with wonderful family!  I'll summarize our time together-swimming, canoeing with Aunt Jodi, run through the kitchen to eat, playing dress up, dancing, feeding geese, eat some more, read a little, play outside, eat again, have fun with cousins, be pajama twins, have a parade in the basement with a real musician leading, swim some more, and eat ice cream outside and they did a little sleeping too!

 Watch out for the blueberry swiper!
 Don't you always wear a crown and tutu with your nightgown or 75 necklaces with your pjs???????

 More time with our wonderful sweet Great Grandaddy and Granny Joan!

 Joy thinks that she is ready to head out in the canoe on her own!

 I love the carrot./walrus look!

 These 2-Ryan and Ian-could play for hours in the house with each other-very few words between and be very happy-we'd just have to leave them some food out somewhere!

 This picture is such a funny one of Joy's wide open personality
 Private ice cream time for Maggie and Blythe
 Ashley, Ryan, Ian, Joy, Abby Jane, Katie, and Scott
Surely Joy isn't only 2 years old?????

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