Saturday, December 17, 2011

Office Christmas Party

The party here was quite an event!  In Greenville, (they are so dull we haven't been in years) we would go, stand around and talk in the lobby of the downtown Hyatt, looking at the Festival of Trees for a little while and then be home by 9 at the latest.  Here, because music, karaoke, and dancing are such a part of the culture a group from each division performs and there is a contest with celebrity judges, radio personalities from Manila were the hosts of the evening, we had dinner-full sit down deal for 1600 employees and spouses-dinner started at 6 and we left as soon as the "program" was over and dancing started and it was a little after midnight when we got home!  You would have laughed so hard at the performances-this year's theme was music evolution and they had groups performing songs from the 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s and 00s.  Someone was dressed as Elvis and someone else as James Brown in a red satin suit.  None of the employees in America would have gone for this activity.  People could dress up as a favorite musician or in a favorite outfit from one of the decades and their were some WILD costumes!  It was certainly an interesting party and we had fun sitting with some new friends from Chile and Australia.

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