Thursday, June 23, 2016

Some Summer Silliness

 On the last day of school, most years, my mom would take me out to lunch after school-half days.  Often my friend Stan would go with us and she would let us choose where to go-I remember Pizza Hut being a very popular choice!  I took the kids to a cupcake place on their last day of school-it is named Gigi's Cupcakes and they called my mom GG for Grandmommy Gayle.  They have amazing cupcakes!  It was fun
 We have been doing several routes for Loaves and Fishes picking up food and delivering it to soup kitchens or other places who can get the food to people who need it.  We all laughed at this sign at a church where we were taking food-I told the kids I didn't think that was a spot for Michelle Obama.
 At the library summer reading kick-off this year there was an amazing kazoo concert and at the end the guy gave all the kids a free kazoo.  Then he said to the parents "I bet you wonder how I afford to give away all these free kazoos????  Well, that's easy, I charge $50 each to take them back!"  The guy was hilarious, the kids all loved it and they are made right here in South Carolina-in Beaufort, near Charleston and they even have a factory tour.
 Above is the poor dog, forced to wear Ashley's purple sparkly sunglasses that Ryan got her for her birthday!  We were surprised he didn't eat them!

Below, the weekend the boys went camping there was a special Saturday program at Roper Mtn. Science Center about butterflies.  It was HOT and we waited a long time but we had fun seeing and holding the butterflies and doing it with a sweet friend from school Claire.  The sticks with nectar like stuff to attract the butterflies had Gatorade on them!

 Sweet snuggles with Max!  Ashley talked about him at school so much that he became the unofficial mascot of her class and Claire is convinced Max is going to grow as large as Clifford the big red dog!
 Enjoying her new kindle!
 Ryan's breakfast smile-all that was missing in his opinion were the biscuits-whackers as we call them at our house-because you peel the paper wrapper and then whack them on the counter to make the can pop open!
 2 kindle readers!

 Scott showing off his dragon city/ship thing made of legos for his birthday when they were all put together!

 Another tuba has come to live at our house this summer and he has been named King Kong.  The other 2 are at school now-Gigantor stays at school for the summer and Godzilla is going in for some repairs.  King Kong is a slightly different 4 valve tuba (apparently the other 2 had 3 valves each) that Scott's band teacher wanted him to practice with this summer.

 and yes, Ashley really can fit inside a tuba case!
 We said now there was a six-ba of tubas Scott has played and he told us that it was only a four-ba that one time we had 2 tubas at home at once so this is not a six-ba really!

 Ashley and Ryan were playing with bubbles outside and Max was afraid at first and then started snapping and chomping at them!

 Here is Ashley one morning, assigning her dollies their homeschool work for the day!  They each have a pencil and their own pair of scissors!

 Here are her plans and the days' math facts to be covered!  I LOVE IT!

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