Saturday, September 29, 2012

Funny things about going back home

I read a note in the American Women's Club Magazine from a lady who lived here and moved back to Virginia recently.  She wrote to say hello to everyone in Manila and share some funny things as they adjusted to life back in Virginia.  She has 2 elementary school age daughters.  I did not know this lady but her article was very funny.  She said:

1.  Her girls did not know what knee socks were when they had to buy them for their school uniforms.

2.  She had to get used to using the dishwasher machine again, said that it felt weird not to wash things by hand.  I told Greg recently that part of me would like to know what the Mythbusters guys would say if they tested our handwashed dishes for germs but part of me just doesn't want to know.

3.  Target or Wal-Mart-she was SO excited about shopping and finding everything in one place.  She said she had not heard "out of stock, ma'am"  even once since returning.  That is a phrase we here often here but are never sure if they truly don't have what we are looking for, never carried it in the store, or don't know what we are talking about but don't want to tell us that.

4.  She says that her girls are starting to get the concept of picking up their own things and putting them away.  We have to tell Ms. Dali not to do too much of this for our kids because we don't want the same thing to happen to them.

5.  She said that she really enjoyed fixing hot chocolate last Winter.  Though hot chocolate is popular here and there's a Starbucks on every corner I can't imagine drinking hot chocolate or coffee here-just too hot.

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