Friday, October 19, 2012

Sharing what we have

Greg and I went to school last Monday for Parent Teacher Conferences but that afternoon in addition to having fun and spending their day in pajamas the kids and I did something for someone else.

We made peanut butter crackers to share with ALIG's feeding program.  They go 3 days a week to feed hundreds of people at temporary shelters who were forced to leave their homes and lost most of their belongings during the flooding that occurred here in early August.  They said it was a very sticky job but my sweet Ryan said "Mommy I want to do this again."  Here they are helping put the crackers together

 Really I did not let him lick the knife until he was ALL finished!

Monday night my cousin Alison (my dad's mom-Gran and Alison's grandfather were brother and sister) and her husband Pat arrived for their stop in the Philippines on their Round the World trip-their blog is great if you want to read about their travels

They joined me (my first time to go deliver food) to chop eggs, mix up rice, hot dogs, and eggs and visit the evacuation sites to deliver the food. 
 Above is Pat helping to mix the food prepared-rice cooked by my friend, Maraia's helpers, hot dogs, cooked eggs, canned corn, and pineapple tidbits.  I am told that it only costs 30 pesos-less than $1 to feed a family of 6 one meal of 1/2-3/4 cup of rice mixed with egg, hot dogs, and garlic.
 Alison and I are pouring milk and Pat-below is filling the families' water containers.
 Here are some of the people who live in this evacuation center-however today was the last day that ALIG was going to be feeding people here because the waters had gone down enough that these people would be returning to their homes.

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