Friday, October 26, 2012

Ryan's Award

 Ashley and I went to Ryan's chapel last Friday to see him receive a Brent Pride Award-below are some pictures of the children singing
 Ryan's head is in the middle of the picture below-the school chapel theme this year is being a peacemaker-we refer often to things they have learned in chapel when there is sibling conflict-by the way our great idea of letting the other person get in the car first just turned into something else to argue about-so we had another more serious talk about being considerate of others and using nice manners and things have been better lately.
 Ryan was the first one called up-his teacher said that he was receiving the award for being well mannered and polite and for improving in the neatness of his writing-if you have seen any of Greg's, his dad's or his grandad's handwriting you know that both our boys need significant improvement in this area.

 Ashley was intently watching the program
 Ryan was very excited about his award!

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