Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Joy in the little things

A friend of mine posted something on fb recently that she had seen on the Proverbs 31 site about really enjoying each day with your children because they will never be that exact age EVER AGAIN!  As I saw someone else write "when they are little the days may sometimes be long but the years are short"  I am trying to really take advantage of not having to spend my time on laundry and cleaning the house and using that time to spend with the kids.

Ashley and I spent one morning recently playing Hi Ho Cherry-O (my Dad's least favorite game in the world-because it seemed he was always having to put all his cherries back on his tree and it took forever for someone to actually win the game), Chutes and Ladders, a spelling game, and blokus-she just likes to make pretty designs with the colored blocks.

We have spent countless hours since our time in Manila began painting toenails.  Our almost all tile bathroom makes a good place to do it.  Recently she wanted a different color on each toe and the pattern repeated on the other foot so that's what we did.  When I was finished and going to put the 5 bottles of polish away, the nearly full RED bottle slipped out of my hand and broke on the tile floor.  At least it was tile and keeping her on the stool so she wouldn't step in the red polish or broken glass gave her colorful new toes time to dry!  She kept saying "mommy, you made a BIG mess!"  In case you ever need to know, nail polish remover works well on tile.

I have read before in parenting books to "say yes whenever you can"  Ashley asked me one day recently if she could help me make a new pitcher of lemonade-we were just stirring the Crystal Light mix into water.  When I said yes, she acted like I had given her a million dollars-it was so funny.  Her day was made because she got to stir with a plastic spoon in a pink pitcher and pour in the lemonade powder!

Ryan and I were going somewhere just the 2 of us recently and I told him that I would read to him in the car.  He said to me while we were riding along "Mommy when we leave Manila, I will miss you reading to us in the car!"  That made me smile and I will miss that too!

Good reminders to enjoy how precious they are no matter how that particular day of being a mom has gone!

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