Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Lock in and Another fun birthday party

 Scott and Ryan were invited to a lock in recently at a church that several of our friends attend.  It was about prayer and they learned a lot and had a great time.  I took these pictures with my phone over the atrium railing when I picked them up Saturday morning.  Ryan is in his gold house shirt from school, sitting next to his buddy Daniel in his green shirt.  While the boys were out having fun, we took Ashley to Outback for dinner with just Mommy and Daddy and to ride some rides at the mall.
 Scott is in bright orange near Ryan and another boy in an orange shirt.  Scott and I were home just a couple of hours before the below lasertag birthday party and then we hurried home after lunch for Ashley's teachers home conference.  A fun and crazy Saturday.
 Sorry for the "blue-ness" of this picture for here is Scott with several friends from his class ready to suit up for laser tag.  They had a great time playing-it was really fun.  I played one game with them and sat with all the bags so the b'day boy's mom could play the other game.

Then we went to PF Chang's for lunch.  Not a choice that I would have expected from a 4th grader but Scott has come to love rice-white or fried and we shared beef and broccoli.

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