Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Ashley's class and the bees

They have been learning about bees and had a field trip last Friday to a bee farm.  I visited her class on Thursday and read them The Giant Jam Sandwich story about the town invaded by wasps that were caught in a huge sandwich and then the kids made sandwiches of their own.  On Friday, Ashley's friend Hannah went with us to the bee farm and we all had a very nice time in spite of the rain.

They talked in class about the types of bees and Ashley told me there was only 1 queen bee.  Ashley told me that the queen wore a crown/tiara and then went on to ask me if there was also a king bee!  I told her that she should ask her teachers and they got a good laugh about it.

 a good picture and a funny face!

 Serious about making their jam sandwiches

 Friday morning, We went to Brent to pick up Hannah and got to play on the new Nursery and Pre-K playground

 2 sweet little friends

 a jeepney turning around in front of us-taking up the whole road

 getting ready to watch a movie about how bees make honey
 Hannah was brave and touched the frame from the bee box-when you push your finger through the wax, you can feel and then taste the honey
 Ashley would have no part of touching it-said she didn't want to be sticky!

 Hannah was too busy watching the bees behind us to look at the camera
 In this grassy area there were about 25 bee boxes-each box has about 10 THOUSAND bees living in it!
 Ashley with a couple of classmates for a picture
 There were also some goats to pet

 and a fun sign that I saw on our way home-it was a fun field trip day!

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