Sunday, October 14, 2012

Mom's birthday

My mother's would have been 68 last Wednesday.  She would have thought it fun that Ashley and I spent the day showing one of my cousin's and her husband around Manila-more on Alison and Pat's visit in another post.  Of course, I have some memory things to share.

Last week at the grocery store-I saw a BEAUTIFUL huge stem of gorgeous blue-y purple hydrangeas that reminded me of Mom.  I bought them and a few hot pink gerber daisies-which are still pretty.  Sadly I did not get a picture of the hydrangea before it was sad and wilt-y-unfortunately just later that day after bringing it home.

Another funny thing that always reminds me of my Mom is a stainless steel mixing bowl-that I would take a picture of for you, but it has food in it and is in my refrigerator now.  I remember that she always mixed up meatloaf in that bowl, she and I made many desserts in the bowl-I can hear the noise the beaters made in it.  She let all of my little ones bang on it in the floor of her kitchen when they were little.  I remember that it was a wedding present of hers and Daddy's and she could tell me who it was from, but I don't remember.  

Below is one of the few pictures of Mom from her childhood with her brother, my Uncle Benny.

 The next 4 are church directory pictures from throughout my childhood

 Mom and Uncle Benny with their mother-my Grandmommy-who would be mad at me from Heaven :) if I told her age!

Happy Birthday Mom!  I love you and miss you!

1 comment:

  1. A beautiful lady... inside and out... and she raised a wonderful daughter that I am so thankful finally decided to marry my son! :) I didn't know you had family "stop by". How fun! Can't wait to hear all about it!
