Tuesday, January 29, 2013

More Lizards

Before the holidays I was shopping for some baskets, at the mall-not some outside stall type of store.  I picked up one basket and saw a lizard run away.  I told Greg that night that I bought the basket without the lizard since I didn't think our house needed any extra ones!

There is still a lizard who lives in our mailbox that is attached to our gate.  When I check for the mail, Ashley usually asks if the lizard is in there and if so, can I hold her up to see it.  It usually runs out a hole in the back of the box when I open it up and scare it.

One day recently our helper was about to start washing some dishes in the kitchen and said there was a lizard in the sink.  Ashley wanted to see that one too and was talking about how cute the baby lizard was.  Ms. Dali got it in a paper towel and was going to take it outside (laughing about how much the boys like trying to catch the lizards) but it jumped from her paper towel to the wall before she could get it outside.

They are helpful and I am glad they eat mosquitoes but we just seem to keep finding lizards in what, to us, seem like unusual places!

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