Monday, August 31, 2015

Spring Activities

3rd post of the day-Max had a friend over to play-he is a beagle named Hank and his people are some friends from church!
 Ashley and McClellan on the swings

 The dogs shared nicely!
 Kids and dogs and Ryan and Hudson in the background on their bikes

 Only the kids jumped on the trampoline-the dogs were too busy running around
 Ryan's scout pack had a minion themed banquet!  Great fun!

 Some of the boys got up and told jokes-here is Ryan waiting his turn!

 Getting his Webelo patch!
 Reading a book about a dog party that was one of Greg's absolute favorites as a child!

 The kennel where we board Max had an Easter bone hunt-there was bobbing for hot dogs!


 playing on the playgrounds-where they had hidden plastic Easter eggs with bone shaped dog treats inside them

and face painting for the people-we all had a great time!

 Ashley and Ryan built race cars with Greg for our church AWANA race.  Ashley was SO excited to get to be in her first race!

 Ashley's car was pink and lavender with polka dots and she won first place for design!
 Everyone can roll their tongue except me-it's a genetic thing, you either can or can't
 brothers watching!
 Ryan's was all black-like Max and he won first place in design also!

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