Sunday, April 15, 2012

Still Here

We have not fallen off the island just been too busy playing with our visitor-Aunt Katherine!  She and Greg have known each other since they were little and I met her in college.  She was one of our bridesmaids when we got married.  We have had a blast with her visiting and were sad to put her on a plane to fly home this morning.

Here are lots of pictures from while she was here visiting-Katherine played UPS delivery person for us-Thank you SO much!

 Ryan was just a little excited about his delayed birthday legos!
 Angelina Ballerina is really great and pink!
 I love that this is what my children want to do when they receive new books-I know that makes me nerdy but I can't help it!

Snuggled up towatch Sean the Sheep!
 Aunt Katherine pulled another tooth of Ryan's her first night at our house!  Pretty soon he will only be eating applesauce and mashed up vegetables!
 Here he is proudly showing off the new legos he built already-Luke Skywalker's speeder
 Katherine's first time playing wii!

After we returned from our trip to Bohol while the kids were out of school-the grown-ups met for lunch one day at Cyma's Greek restaurant.
 We had a girls' day out shopping and getting pedicures-This picture is what Ashley responded when I asked if she wanted her toenails painted brown.  She knows that brown is my least favorite color in the world-besides why would anyone choose something other than pink????

 Katherine gave our hamster Luke a haircut.

 We visited the boys school-she saw Ashley's too-here they are reading in the library

Ryan's class at the pool during PE-he is in the blue goggles
don't ask me why he only has on one fin!!!
The day we visited was also the day of author/illustrator John Steven Gurney's visit to the school so here are Ryan and Scott getting their books autographed.

Katherine helping give out books to students as they came for the author visit along with my friends Melissa and Helen.  More pictures to come soon!

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely LOVEd living with y'all for over 2 weeks! It was a great treat to experience your life there and I am in serious withdrawls from your kiddos! Dinners are so boring...and the sun, the pool, the nights of Downton Abbey, being seriously humbled by Wii games, the squeek of Luke's wheel, being driven everywhere by Chris, and the beautiful people! Seeing you and Greg with a full life and the blessing of beautiful, intellegent, healthy children swells my heart! God is good!
