Saturday, April 21, 2012

Katherine's pictures from Bohol

I know that it is hard to believe that there is anything I haven't posted about our 5 days in Bohol but there really is more.

 I laughed when we pulled up and saw the airport-it makes the Cayman Islands one look large and our Greenville airport enormous.
 This was the plane we flew from Manila to Bohol
 Greg, the kids, and I are the group on the right walking to the arrivals area.

 I had Katherine take these pictures of their emergency station
 This is a lovely picture of she and Ryan
 Scuba diving may have very weird looking attire but the diving in Bohol was amazing-visibility was terrific.  We saw tons of different types of fish, about 5 different kinds of sea stars, eels, multiple kinds or sponges and corals, and on our last dive 5 sea turtles about the size of dinner plates and then one enormous one sitting on the bottom that we swam up behind and touched his shell and then we watched him swim away-one of the coolest things I have ever seen diving!
 A cute girl and her handsome Daddy!
 It's a lot easier to get a good picture of one person in front of the chocolate hills than of 5!

 We ate ice cream when we climbed down all the steps!
A funny picture of the 5 of us (kids all in their new shirts from Bohol) together on the rear seat of the bus that drove us from the plane to the terminal upon our return to Manila. 

One funny story from the morning that we left for Bohol-I went in to wake up Ryan and he balled up under his covers and hid under his pillow and really didn't want to wake up-it was around 5.  Then I went to Ashley's room and with just a little prodding she was awake enough to ask me "is the airplane here?"  I guess we hadn't explained that we would have to go to the airport to get on the plane-she expected to find it pulled up on our street out in front of the house! 

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