Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Other unusual things I've seen

Vehicles you don't see driving around the US-sometime I will take pictures out the van window and hope our driver doesn't think I'm too crazy:

Tricycles-these look like motorcycles with a side car attached and are covered usually

Jeepneys-this history is from Wikipedia-When American troops began to leave the Philippines at the end of WWII, hundreds of surplus jeeps were sold or given to local Filipinos. The Filipinos stripped down and altered the jeeps to accommodate more passengers, added metal roofs for shade, and decorated the vehicles with vibrant colors and bright chrome hood ornaments.  The jeepney rapidly emerged as a popular and creative way to re-establish inexpensive public transportation, which had been virtually destroyed during WWII. Recognizing the widespread use of these vehicles, the Philippine government began to regulate their use. Drivers now must have specialized licenses, regular routes, and reasonably fixed fares.

I saw a scooter (small motorcycle thing) with 4 people riding on it at once-3 of them were children-none had on helmets.  They also have no carseat laws here-our kids are continuing to ride in the ones they were using in the US-except when the boys are on the school bus.

Funny signs I've seen-

"No Swerving"-does anyone do this on purpose?

"Don't text and drive"-texting is HUGE here-you can even communicate with businesses by text.

"Male Urinal"-this was on a little booth thing on the side of the road-I had to re-read the sign because I thought "surely that isn't what it really said?" when I read it the first time  There are also no doors on these little booth things

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