Saturday, August 27, 2011

Church last Sunday

I have been meaning to post about the service last Sunday all week long.  We went back to Victory.  The music ministered to me so much.  Here are some of the phrases from songs we sang

"God is with us everywhere you go"

"He is your shield"

the song "Here in your presence"

Found in Your hands, fullness of joy
Every fear suddenly wiped away here in Your presence
All of my gains now fade away
Every crown no longer on display, here in Your presence
Heaven is trembling in awe of Your wonders
The kings and their kingdom are standing amazed
Here in Your presence, we are undone
Here in Your presence, Heaven and Earth become one
Here in Your presence, all things are new
Here in Your presence, everything bows before You

Wonderful, beautiful, glorious, matchless in every way
Wonderful, beautiful, glorious, matchless in every way
[ Lyrics from: ]

The one about God being with us EVERYWHERE we go is understandably very comforting to us being somewhere new.  I will never forget our wild, crazy enthusiastic College Sunday School teacher at Taylors First Baptist Church who asked us EVERY Sunday "if you don't feel close to God, guess who moved"  We even had t-shirts with that on them.  I know that I want to be "found in His hands"  It is so nice to know that God goes with us even to the other side of the globe. 

However I also thought about this not as God just going with us to a place far away but a new circumstance-we moms have been sending kids off to school, some for the first time to preschool, some to schools where they don't want to go, some to teachers who aren't believers.  God goes with us and our children, as believers, through hard circumstances like the loss of a child, job, and every disappointment and difficulty we face no matter how large or small.

I thought about God being our shield also related to kids starting back to school.  As moms we do everything we can to protect them and sometimes it is hard to let them go.  I have talked to many friends about the hardest part of my kids starting school was all the outside influences they would now be exposed to.  God is with them and is their shield and ours too.  If you have a child in school you need to found out more about Moms in Touch-an international prayer group for kids and their schools.  It's awesome!

Another phrase from this song that really struck me was "wonderful, glorious, beautiful, matchless in every way"  I am guilty of trying to fill my desires, at times, with many things other than God.  We think that if we just have ______________ we will be perfectly content and happy forever.  Then we get the ______________ and we add another thing because the first one didn't work.  As women, I think we are particularly bad about comparing ourselves to other women-if only I had her clothes, job, house, husband, always well-behaved children then I would be happy.  I don't know about any of your friends (and I have some terrific ones) but they don't measure up to God. 

He is truly matchless in EVERY way!

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