Monday, November 12, 2012

Getting to Malapascua

 Where??????  Malapascua is a small-about 1 1/2 miles long and less than 1/2 mile wide-island.  It is known for great diving so we had to try it out.  We left our house a little after 9 am and arrived there around dinner.  We flew about an hour to Cebu-another pretty large city in the Philippines, then rode 3 hours in a van to the coast, then got in a very small boat, rode out to a larger boat, and then rode about 30 minutes across to the island.  It certainly is beautiful though and was worth the trip.

Above, Ashley is coloring on the plane.  The kids all LOVE to fly and were very excited about that.  Thanks to their kindles, the boys were happy in the car too and the boat rides were very fun too.

Below are some things we saw as we traveled by van-I believe that Greg posted on facebook that we were out in the sticks-which was certainly the truth!

 a fruit stand!

 Ashley spent part of her time in the van doing Hello Kitty puzzles with Greg on his i-pad
 We made one stop at a store and one of the kids pointed out that there were people sitting on top of this bus and they were still sitting up there as the bus pulled away-I wonder if that is a cheaper ticket than an inside seat??????

 Don't know if this truck is full of sacks of rice or hog feed?????  I saw that at several roadside stores, but no they don not sell sacks of hog feed at the grocery stores I usually go to.

 This is the coast where we switched to the boat.

 Sorry-I don't think I have a picture of the little boat-let's just say that it required 2 trips to carry the 6 of us and someone to "drive" and our luggage-and we hadn't brought much.
 These are on the big boat-you could still see the island of Cebu from Malapascua
 beautiful sunset as we rode across the water!

 Malapascua is bigger than this island but now I am beginning to see how they say there are over 7,000 islands that make up the Philippines-love all the pretty sky colors in this picture!

 Ryan trying to keep his balance as the boat was moving!

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