Monday, January 23, 2012

Things to make you Laugh!

This is my 4th and final post for the day-yes I am trying to get caught up on what we have been doing lately!

 This is Ashley showing off her new Hello Kitty hairbows made for her by Grammy at Christmas!
 No these are not Ashley's shoes.  I went to by a new pair of tennis shoes and found Keds at a price I was willing to pay-slightly more expensive than at home.  The problem was me though!  I wanted a pair of white ones and was told that the largest size they had was 6 1/2 in white.  I thought that I was being told that the white didn't come in larger sizes.  I read somewhere just after we arrived here that unless you wear a very small size in clothing, it is hard to find here and that as a foreigner you are "an extra large alien."  So after this I thought I was an "extra large alien with huge feet."  I decided to have fun and buy the shoes in pink instead.  I did question the salesperson and found out, at least it seems, that they will get more white ones in larger sizes in-they were just out of stock currently.  However, here when you are told out of stock no one ever knows when they will be in stock again-if ever!  So I came home and showed Ashley my new shoes-she immediately wanted to know if she could have some pink tennis shoes too.  I told her that they didn't have the pink ones in sizes small enough for her here but that I would look for some for her here and when we go home this summer!  Of course she wanted them, they are VERY pink!
We enjoy playing wii as a family and bowling has been a favorite game since we got the wii for Christmas in 2009.  It is absolutely hysterical to watch Ryan and Ashley bowl because they jump, spin around, swing their arms around wildy, and in general do crazy things that would never work if you were really bowling-which we have done with them and is also hilarious.  One afternoon the kids and I were playing and Ryan was THRILLED that he beat all of us.  In case you don't have a wii, you get to create what your people look like and we have miis (what the characters are called) for our aunts, uncles, cousins, Grammy, and one for GG.  It's fun because they show up as spectators in bowling or on a team in baseball or in some of the games.  Ryan ran screaming to the door when Greg came home that night to tell him that he had beaten EVERYONE in bowling!

I had been waiting for it to happen and am surprised that it took almost 7 months to happen-one of the kids fell fully clothed into the pool!  It was last Friday-we were going swimming at a friend's house and I had sent Ryan out to get the masks and a few pool toys and he took the corner too sharply coming back to the door and fell in.  I didn't run to get the camera because he was crying but it was a little funny!  He was mad because his clothes were wet and he wanted to wear "those clothes" to his friend's house.  Oh well-he changed, calmed down, and we were on our way to play at a friends.  As always he loves Friday afternoons and comes off the bus saying "NO Homework!"  a great idea they have at the school!  I love it as much as the boys!

1 comment:

  1. I hate missing the camera on moments like that- Ryan falling in the pool. But you're a better mom for it. Great updates and stories- loved seeing all three Christmas programs! Love y'all!
