Saturday, January 28, 2012

More Funny things

1.  We had a friend over on Friday for pizza and a movie-his name is Simon, he's in Kindergarten and he is from Chile.  We ate pizza for dinner and then got ready to watch Cars 2.  Simon begged to watch it in Spanish because he is still learning English.  So we listened in Spanish and our boys read the English subtitles-it was funny.  McQueen still says "KaChow" in Spanish-
As you can see, all the boys were really into the movie-Please pray for Simon and his family, he, his older brother, and their mom ended up sick and in the hospital with a bad stomach thing later in the weekend-oh and her husband was gone on a business trip too!  So sad-praying they are all feeling better soon!  Since I actually wrote this post, they are home now but still recovering-very tough!

2.  They're back-some of the lizards at least-this is kind of like a where's waldo? book-do you see the lizard?  I didn't until I went to hang my towel back up on the hook-

The day before this, I came into our room that night to get ready for bed and saw something move out of the corner of my eye and it was a lizard on the floor.  Before we came in from the pool to get our showers where we found this little friend, Ashley and I saw a lizard sunning himself on a rock by the pool-that's where the lizards should stay-outside!

3.  I saw something for sale on the register counter at the bookstore last week that I have never seen before-toilet seat sanitizing spray and the brand name was "holy seat".  I had to laugh just a little.

4.  On a similar note, at the mall closest to our house, there is a "fancy" bathroom-meaning a public one with seats, soap, and yes, even paper towels to dry your hands, and toilet paper.  What's the catch you ask?  You have to pay 10 pesos to use it-that's about a quarter.  They also have a family lounge area for nursing and a small playroom for little ones.  The first time I went in there I was taken by a friend and someone else that was with us asked if you could "save" your bathroom ticket and re-use it next time-we all got a good laugh out of that.

5.  A friend of mine was going with her family to Korea for Chinese New Year-they got a really good deal on their airplane tickets.  She realized why the deal was so good when she realized that the tickets were for leaving at 1:30 am instead of pm.  I had to laugh when a mutual friend told me about it but can't wait to hear all about their trip.

6.  I had lunch last week with a lady named Pat who is new to Manila-her husband works at Fluor and they moved here from Perth, Australia.  She is making adjustments to a new life here.  We had a laugh arguing about who drives on the "wrong" side of the road.  I have another Greenville friend (whom I wished Greg had introduced me to in person before we both moved halfway around the world) who is adjusting to a new life in Perth with her husband and 2 young children.  She finds things different and hard in Perth whereas Pat was at home there-it's all what you get used to.

I have also been following the blog of a friend of a friend who was in China with her husband's job assignment with their 2 daughters.  He was just offered a new job (coincidentally with Fluor-but he didn't work for them in China) and they are within 2 weeks of finding out about the new job-packed and moving back to Greenville.  They made the most of their time in China-traveling and learning about life in a new place.  They also had to deal with life someplace where not many spoke English and life was very un-Western (ie. not many western restaurants at all).  I need to count my blessings, even though I do still miss Chick-Fil-A! 

Greg and I have talked about how this gives a whole new perspective to how to treat people new to or unfamiliar with an area-what you are comfortable with can be very strange and challenging to someone else.

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