The coins from left to right are sentinimos/centavos-a quarter of one peso-which is a very small amount-they are beginning to do away with these here. Next is a one peso coin, a 5 peso coin, and a 10 peso coin (about 42 pesos is equal to $1)
These are the fronts and backs of the bills-20, 50, 100 peso bills are made-I just happened not to have any today-500 peso, and 1,000 bills. The 1,000 peso bill is about $25. Greg (the math nerd that he is) told me to drop a zero of a price in pesos and divide by 4 to get the price in dollars. Often I do that, sometimes it's just easier to get out the calculator on my phone. Another interesting fact here-Scott's unit on money in Math is all about American money because his book is an American published math textbook-that will be useful for some in his class and totally UN useful for the majority of them!
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