Thursday, June 23, 2016

Camping in the backyard

 Ashley had been begging to spend the night in the tent in the back yard for a long time.  It was supposed to be cool at night last weekend so we did it!
 She and Greg pitched the tent

 We took pillows, stuffed animals, books, sleeping bags, a lantern, and a cereal bar for in the morning snack.  I joined her outside about 8:30 and it was about 10 when she went to sleep.

It took me longer to go to sleep because our yard backs up to a road with lots of traffic noise-that I don't notice in our house but noticed trying to sleep in the yard.

I finally did drift off and then Ashley woke me at 4:30 because there was a noise-at first I thought it was just wind but then realized that it was water hitting our tent.  God didn't make it rain on us that night but we forgot to make sure the sprinkler wasn't going to run.

Thankfully we did go back to sleep after that until it started getting really light outside!  We snuggled and talked some more, read, worked on a puzzle book together, and played some Uno.  Then we came inside at 8, got breakfast for Max, and took him on a walk because it was so wonderfully cool outside that morning.

The below pictures are all from Saturday morning!

 She had such a good time that she asked if we could do it again and I said yes that we would camp in the fall when it is cool again!

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