Tuesday, September 11, 2012

"Regular" happenings here

 It is the rainy season here and the hotels all run rainy season specials-still funny to me!  Also, it is a 'ber month and either September 3 or 4 I was at the mall and heard the first Christmas music of the "season"  That same day as I was shopping, I saw Easter egg shaped chocolate candies-I bought them!  Now if I can just keep up with them and not eat them until Easter????

 Scott getting his Brent Pride Award-so proud of him!

 for contributing to class discussion in Math and Language Arts, getting along with his peers and being focused in class!
 The trampoline-a new addition to our house
 Ashley jumping with her "Aunt Todd blanket" tied around her as a cape so she can jump as "SuperGirl"

 Above is Ashley in a dress that had been mine-dresses were worn a lot shorter in the 70s
 Here she is off on a safari with hat, binoculars, and pajamas
 no maybe a headband and wings would be better!
 Diving class in the pool-we tried to get Ryan to go under and breathe and see what was under the water while on a trip here but the shallow water was rough and made it hard for him to stand up and be comfortable trying something new so we rented a tank and decided to try in the pool

 of course Ashley wanted a turn-could hardly stop talking for long with the regulator in her mouth but she had fun trying it out-pictures of Scott diving soon

 Ashley has been drawing/coloring so much lately I think both fridges are covered and we are going to have to start wall papering the house with her pictures

Below is Ariel-didn't you recognize her with the red hair and green body/tail?
 a rainbow and she wrote Mister Sun down the side-they have a song about Mr. Sun at school
 Just a random drawing but part of it made me laugh REALLY hard
 the small blue thing is not a jellyfish-as I had thought-I was told it was a whale that wears pants????????  I've never seen one of those before!
 Making our refrigerator "fancy"
 She is the pink person and Greg is the green one and the pool rectangle is our pool

 I think all these blue circles are clouds????
 The sell elephant paintings at the circus-maybe I could open an etsy shop to sell drawings??????

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Scott on your Brent Award! Way to go Ryan on your learning how to breathe like a fish underwater with the regulator. And Ashley your drawings are incredible! I like the Whale with pants and Ariel the best! I think your refrigerator is much prettier with all of your drawings on it.
