Thursday, May 17, 2012

2 Weeks from Today!

We are just a little excited that our home leave is getting so close!  Two weeks from today the kids and I will be in Atlanta.  I have already promised them Chick Fil A for dinner that night! 

All is good here-busy with the end of school and getting ready to go.  Ashley is having a ball at her summer camp reading class.  I read to Ryan's class yesterday and took them m and m brownies.  Tomorrow is 1st grade water fun day.  Ashley and I will be in the school pool with 3 classes of 1st graders rotating through the pool.  There is a pirate theme to the day.  I have made blue jello with gummy ocean creatures inside it and we are having cupcakes and pizza and more I am sure.  Next Friday I will read to Scott's class as part of their party and bring them ice cream and toppings. 

Birthday sharing-apparently the May 29th attracts people to share birthdays.  The two boys from his class that Scott wanted to do something special with for his birthday both have birthdays soon too!  So they are coming to our house for swimming, pizza, and wii tomorrow night, going to Enchanted Kingdom together to celebrate another's birthday, and then the last one is having a party the day before we leave to fly home.  Thankfully he lives close by, so I told Scott he could go for a little while!

Funny things lately-I sent Ashley outside one day recently to put something in the toy basket by the pool.  She was walking around the pool and I realized was screaming "MOOOOOMMMMMMMMYYYYY!!!!"  I expected to see that she had fallen in but that wasn't it.  She was that upset about a frog in the pool.  She wouldn't walk by him to put away what I had asked her to, so I did it for her.  Then she was still upset that the frog was in "our" pool.  It made me laugh.  I had already laughed really hard when I asked if she thought the frog would jump up and get me when I walked by-she said maybe.  So much for the love and appreciation of Mother's Day-just a few days later, she is ready to sacrifice me to a frog in the pool.  I asked her if I should get the frog out and she said yes.  When I asked her "how?" she told me to get the net.  So I did and got the frog out of the pool and put him in the grass.  She wanted to know where he was because she couldn't see him from where she was standing-INSIDE the house!  I told her he was by the rock and the flowerpot and when I started walking toward him, he hopped away under the bushes.  She has also been acting scared of lizards in her room lately-Greg suggested that we take a picture of one and tape it to her wall so that she will get used to "her" lizard and not be bothered when there are additional ones.  There are some Manila things that I will NOT miss while I am AT HOME!

I had asked Ryan recently to go through his desk/bunk bed drawers and clean out some of the things that he likes to hoard.  He brought me a paper and asked "is it ok to throw away a Jesus paper?"  I told him that if I saved every paper all 3 of them brought home from church that even our larger Manila house would be full by now.  So yes, we threw away the "Jesus" paper.

Looking forward to seeing all of you soon!


  1. Hi Susan-- sent you an email with our cell numbers-- got your letter and excited to see you when you are in Greenville-- looking forward to reconnecting.

  2. Love all of the end of year activities! I had been thinking Chick Filet on the way home from the airport too. Great minds think alike. :)
